You Deserve to Write Slow

Writing is not an emergency.

If what you want most is to impact your reader on an emotional level, you need to learn to write slow.

Impactful fiction doesn’t happen by accident, it happens on purpose, and that purpose takes time.

When you write fast, you skim the surface. Like a speedboat, you jump from plot point to plot point, rushing from one shore to the other. Yes, it’s exciting, but you miss the meaning, the life.

You want to do more than give your reader a quick thrill. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be here.

You’ve got something important to say to your reader about who they are, what they deserve, and how to live in this mangled, beautiful world.

So don’t write fast, write deep.

It’s when you slip below the surface of your story that you find the life. You see schools of silvery fish, watch light break through waves above you, and run your fingers through columns of kelp.

Writing deep can’t be rushed. It takes planning, intention, bravery.

You not only have to assess the elements of your story to see how they fit together, you also have to assess yourself.

What do you really want to say?

What about your own life inspired this book?

What are you trying to heal through writing this tale?

Answering those questions takes time. That’s why the Rooted Writers Mentorship is a year long.

You deserve the gift of writing slow.

Slow down. Connect with your purpose. Find the story beneath the surface.

No, you won’t publish your book in 90-days, but you’ll come out with a book you’re fucking proud of—the one you really wanted to write.

If you’re ready to write slow, I invite you to apply for the Rooted Writers Mentorship. This year-long coaching program will help you discover, plan, and write your novel in a community of like-minded folks who are writing for good.

Writing slow is a beautiful thing.


The Snowball of Misbelief


Find Your Deep Why